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Authors: Giri, Prajwal
Issue Date: 27-Jan-2020
Abstract: The objective of this research was to study the effect of bamboo shoot powder on biscuit quality and to formulate bamboo shoot powder incorporated biscuit. Design of experiment was employed for formulating the recipe of biscuit. 5 formulations of biscuit containing 0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 parts of bamboo shoot powder were prepared. The prepared biscuits were subjected to sensory evaluation. The data obtained were statistically analysed using two way ANOVA (no blocking) at 5% level of significance. Bamboo shoot powder incorporated biscuit and control were subjected to analysis for proximate and minerals content. From the mean sensory scores, 5 parts bamboo shoot powder incorporation was selected as the best formulation. At 5% level of significance, the control and optimized product were significantly different from each other. The protein, fiber and potassium increased from 5.63% to 7.13%, 0.89% to 1.54% and 112.00 mg/100 g to 152.52 mg/100 g respectively from control to optimized product. Moreover, the antioxidant activity determined by 2,2-Diphenyl-1-Picrylhydrazyl assay method was higher in optimized product (9.43%) than in control (5.03%). These findings show that bamboo shoot powder incorporated biscuits up to 5% are acceptable and are nutritionally enriched
Description: A dissertation submitted to the Department of Food Technology, Central Campus of technology, Tribhuvan University, in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of B. Tech. in Food Technology
Appears in Collections:Food Technology Thesis

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